Last year, our car broke down.
Multiple times, actually.
I wrote about one of those times in the newsletter, but only because, on that particular occasion, the breakdown happened to leave us stuck at the other end of the country for days; which was mildly dramatic, if not particularly interesting. I didn’t even bother to mention the other times, because, honestly, it was happening so often that if I’d written about all of the things that car put us through, this would’ve basically been a newsletter about my car — and, let’s face it, other people’s car troubles are super-boring, aren’t they? Admit it: you were thinking it, right?
Last year, the car spent more time with the mechanic, than it spent with us. It cost us far more than it was actually worth. And, by the time it broke down again in October — this time almost (but not quite) leaving us stranded in the Highlands1 — it had become obvious that it was on its last legs (wheels?). It was going to have to go.