Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

I really like Ghostwriter and I would have thought they were common knowledge but I guess not worth taking the risk

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I'm starting to think I should do another poll just asking people if they know what a ghostwriter is now - these answers have got me wondering!

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Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

How about "Much ado about Christmas" !!

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Ohhhhh! I like!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

I would buy it!

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Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

"and who probably has better hair, into the bargain"

I'm laughing hysterically all alone in my office...

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What about "Ghosts of Christmas Ex"?

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I like!

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Oh noooooooo!! God you must have been totally bummed when you saw that… It’s almost like wondering if you just have to abandon all your hard work?! I am in the “ghostwriters title” camp, though I know it will be fabulous whatever you call it. I think it works even if people aren’t sure what one actually is.

I had something not dissimilar happen to me just this week – I’ve been writing my first book as you know, and I looked into all the books and movie titles in the same (quite specific) genre, and couldn’t find another with the same sort of plotline. I was convinced it was 100% original. Then out of the blue an old movie from the 80s popped up in something I was reading, and although I’ve seen it, I’d completely forgotten all about it as it’s never put on terrestrial TV or on streaming services… it’s scarily similar, aaaargh! So now I don’t know whether to watch the film to make sure I don’t write anything the same, or write my book without watching it so I’m not influenced by it (what would you do)?!

C x

P.S. I came up with the title of my book after writing a few chapters and a particular line stood out – it made perfect sense for it to be called that and I’ve googled it – doesn’t match anything anywhere, result 🙌🏻

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Oh, I definitely wouldn’t watch it - plausible deniability and all that! If it’s from the 80s, though, I think you’re probably safe - although, having said that, I see a lot of books with titles that are the same as more recent movies/shows too and no one seems to bat an eyelid!

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Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

I voted the Ex-Mas Story but I also prefer the Ghostwriter title! I agree with everyone else in this comment section that people who regularly read (romance) books will know (or at least have some kind of idea) what a ghostwriter is.

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Love the cover for Cool Girl Summer! 🥰

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It feels like there should be a good pun to be had with the name Holly and Christmas, but I’m incapable of finding it. Annoying you had to change the name! I absolutely HATE naming books. I always think of Kate Atkinson who just comes up with a title and then writes a book. Often the title isn’t really anything to do with the story (Started Early, Took My Dog, being the most obvious example).

Are there any pyjamas/pajamas in this one? If so, you could call it The Nightwear Before Christmas. 🤣

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Ha, threre is no nightwear, unfortunately, but I’m now thinking I should add some, just so I can use that 😆 I’ve also been thinking there HAS to be a ‘Holly’ pun staring me in the face here, but alas, this is not my strong point, so I can’t think of it either!

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Pretty sure that’s why Kate A threw a random dog into that book. Dog isn’t in the next one 🤣

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Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

I went for The Ex Who Stole Christmas but I actually like the Ghostwriter title better!

Ghostwriter is one of those things I thought most people would know - but then again I learned it years ago from an episode of Jonathon Creek so what do I know 😂

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See, I thought that too; it was only when I briefly worked as a ghostwriter that I realized most people I spoke to about it didn’t have a clue what it was! And now you’ve got me wondering how I knew, and if it was also Jonathan Creek related!

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Sep 6Liked by Amber Eve

I think after all the discussions about the ghostwriters of celeb „autobiographies“ in the past few years, most readers will know what a ghostwriter is. Though I must admit to prefer „Rewriting Christmas“. It‘s catchy and very rom-com.

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True! We should probably thank Prince Harry for helpfully highlighting a previously unknown industry!

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I voted for Rewriting Christmas, but I do like the Ghostwriter of Christmas Past. I think most people who regularly read books probably know what a ghostwriter is. Plus it makes me think of the 90s kids' show Ghostwriter (totally different subject matter, but that's where I first heard the word).

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I’m hoping this is the case, and people will know what it is - there is an explanation (a hopefully-subtle one!) of it in the book itself, but I’m kind of relying on people having at least a rough idea of what it is right from the get-go!

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I also really like the Ghostwriter one. It's the one I'd be most likely to pick up in a book store.

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I agree The Snow Globe doesn't sound super rom-commy but I do like the fact it would relate to the book within. I love the other two suggestions too but think Rewriting Christmas relates best with the book within as well and sounds super cute! Although I just wanted to say that I really really love The Ghostwriter of Christmas Past! It's so cute!! It's not that long for a title I don't think and you'd presumably have the The and Of small so the other words would stick out more. Also I'll admit I didn't know what a ghostwriter was until fairly recently but I do now because there's been an influx of books about ghostwriters because of the increase in books about bookish characters in general so I feel like it wouldn't be that unheard of nowadays?

P.S. I'm REALLY curious what the originally planned title was haha!

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Oh, the original title is the one that's still on the pre-order (Sorry, I should probably have said that 🙈) - it's This is Not a Christmas Romance!

I have to admit, Ghostwriter of Christmas Past is still my favorite - and yes, two of the words could be made small, so there are ways to make it work. (The original title is obviously even longer, but that's one of the reasons it's not the end of the world to change it - it was really awkward trying to get it onto the cover!) My biggest reservation is the fact that people might not be familiar with the term 'ghostwriter', so that's really interesting that you've been seeing it pop up lately: I'll have to give it some more thought!

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Sounds a great story and love your writing style. How about ex-mas/Xmas word play in the title? I also like that you chose "Holly" - spiky - with anti Christmas outlook to avoid over schmalz

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Unwrapping the truth?

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