The Awkward Girl's Guide to the Week | In which the summer is ruined
You always seemed so sure that one day we'd be fighting in a suburban war
[A weekly attempt to return to the days when blogs were called “online journals” and everyone started their posts with some cryptic song lyrics that would hint at the topic of the post, while making its author seem kind of deep and mysterious, and not remotely cringe. Not all of these diary posts will be for paid subscribers, but occasionally I will want to share more personal stories/photos which I’ll put behind a paywall — please don’t hate me!]
One of the best things about Substack for me is that fact that, so far, most of the people who know me in “real life” have either not found this newsletter yet, or just haven’t bothered to spring for a paid account. And that knowledge is tremendously freeing, because right now I find myself in the slightly strange position in which my life revolves mostly around things that are totally mundane, really, but which still somehow manage to fall under the category of Things I Should Probably Not Say on the Internet.
(Which, honestly, is exactly the kind of thing that always seems to happen to me. I mean, leave it to me to find a way to make my exceptionally dull life somehow controversial, right?)
This post also falls under that category, which is to say that I will not be remotely offended if you choose not to upgrade for it, but, if you do, you’ll be rewarded with my eternal gratitude, plus approximately 1,000 words on the minutiae of village life…